Mindmap for TPACK & SAMR

 Hi guys :) 

In my previous blog I talked about mindmapping and here, I will be talking about TPACK and SAMR model on mindmap software called Miro. Here's the map I made for these, and the map from previous years I saw in class:

(https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO8PCu00=/) mine

         (example in class)

What I liked about Miro is that you can create nodes unsymmetrically and freely which makes it more entertaining, but only problem might be the time you need to warm up and grasp its concept. 

Anyways , TPACK, which I made the mindmap for, is a technology integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge instructors need to combine for successful edtech integration—technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (a.k.a. TPACK). (
The TPACK Framework Explained (With Classroom Examples, 2022).

Technological Knowledge (TK): the knowledge of how to use technology. It includes the quality of content that students can access. 

Pedagogical Knowledge (PK): how the teacher uses the knowledge they have

Content Knowledge (CK): the knowledge of lesson's subject

Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK): how to choose collaboration tools

Technological Content Knowledge (TCK): deep and lasting learning 

Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): how to effectively engage 

Other one, SAMR, stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition. It is a framework created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura that categorizes four different degrees of classroom technology integration. (SAMR Model: A Practical Guide for K-12 Classroom Technology Integration, 2021) 

Substitution: replacing a technology with a new version of it

Augmentation: adding new features

Modification: actual change to the lesson design

Redefinition: creation of new tasks

Thanks to these frameworks, language learning is getting easier and more entertaining. These two are just one of those online softwares that I talked about in my previous blogs. 



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